Saturday, May 3, 2008

Xbox 360 Red Lights Repair

Hello is your xbox broken and you are bumming real bad I know the feeling when you are in the middle of a real good game and bam xbox 360 red lights appear the game freezes and your like holy @#$* now what.

All you can think about is how can I get going gaming is an addiction and when your pride and joy breaks down Its like your whole world just stopped and smacked you in the face and said hahaha.

So if you have an xbox im here to help I found this guide on how you can fix your xbox in an hour. Also I found a few other kool sites you can use after you get your xbox going.

If your console is still in warranty that means that you would not have to pay for the repair and is probably the best thing to try before you start searching for a xbox 360 red Lights Fix.

The first way you could get a xbox 360 Red Lights Fix is obviously send in the console for repair but this can take a long time and might just get another broken xbox so unless the repair is going to be free you will need another alternative first to fix your xbox 360 red lights

If you are determined to find a fix then here are a few things that may help.

First make sure that your Xbox 360 is well ventilated as the machine does crunch a lot of information and therefore gets very hot! A lot of the problems that people run into in the first place with the Xbox 360 could have been solved if they did not allow the machine to overheat.

The second thing you could do as a xbox 360 red Lights Fix is to get a hair dryer and put it on a COLD setting and use the hair dryer to blow in the vents at the side of the Xbox 360.

This may sound dumb but your xbox may have some dust in there that is causing it to overheat and giving you the xbox 360 red lights problem.

If the suggestions above do not provide a xbox 360 red lights fix then you may have to get a little more serious.

As many of you may have noticed, there are four lights surrounding the power button on your Xbox 360. When these light up in red that is the first sign that you have a problem.

Here are what the diffrent xbox 360 red lights mean and what you may need to do.

The Xbox 360’s ring is divided into four separate quadrants. Each division turning red indicates a separate problem, all with a different way of resolving the issue.

Sections 1, 2, 3, and 4 are flashing red the AV cable cannot be detected so check all of your cables and make double shure they are all plugged in correctly.

Sections 1, and 3 are flashing red Overheating let it cool for a minute or 2 and see if that helps and make shure your xbox is well venilated it needs a lot of air to keep all of that gameing power cool.

Sections 1, 3, and 4 are flashing red General Hardware Failure this one sucks and you will need some realy good help on this I will show you where to get it in a minute.

Section 4 is flashing red Hardware Failure

The Specific Type of hardware failure can be determined by the error code displayed on the screen which will give you some insight on what you need to do also help is on the way just in a few seconds here.

Ok I have found a few guides that will help you fix your xbox 360 red lights these guides are informative and very helpful.

These guides will save you money so you can buy another game of course or some other accessory that you have had your eye on for your xbox.

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